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#VogliamoStudiDiGenere: l’appello in inglese e spagnolo!

L’appello perché si reinserisca il Corso di Studi di Genere nell’offerta formativa dell’Università della Calabria [Leggi QUI (l’appello in italiano) e invia la tua adesione a] in lingua inglese e spagnola. Fateli girare nei contesti accademici che conoscete e ovunque abbiate voglia di raccontare come in Italia si considerano queste materie. Ovunque esista qualcun@ che voglia chiedere la riapertura del Corso in Calabria e che voglia raccontare altrove in che miseria culturale di priorità viviamo.


The University of Calabria (a Southern region of Italy) has decided to close down the course of Gender Studies taught by Laura Corradi, the only course of its kind taught at this university. The news cannot leave us indifferent. Students say no, we say no, every person who knows how crucial is the existence of such a course, especially in the South, say no.

This story has to do with all of us. It’s no personal matter, but a political issue, which clearly points at the position to which gender issues are relegated in times of economic cuts.

We call everybody to imagine gender studies classes in the street, in the cities where this is possible; classes that speak about what is lacking in the universities and articulate knowledges generally left at the margins.

We must say very clearly that we don’t like this decision. We do so also with this call.

We demand the course of Gender Studies to be reintegrated in the curriculum of the University of Calabria. We want courses of Gender Studies in every university.

Would you sign with us? Thanks!


The course of Gender Studies at the University of Calabria, taught in Rende at the Department of Sociology by Laura Corradi won’t exist anymore because they have decided to close it down.

The success of the last ten years notwithstanding, the course, attended by hundreds of students, has been made smaller and smaller despite the students’ determination to attend it and the professor’s determination to teach it for free. Students denounce that the course has been placed at the same time of other important and compulsory activities. Made difficult to be attended, the course has been reduced this year to 15 students. This way, it became very easy to frame it as superfluous teaching and to close it down.

The course has been an important site of empowerment for many girls, young feminist doctoral students, migrant researchers, precarious subjects engaged in feminist thought and practice, many people who in fact refuse to passively accept this decision. Moreover, the course constitutes in the context of the region Calabria a great opportunity for women and men who want to acquire the critical skills to interpret their own reality.

This course should remain an opportunity for those who chose it or better, we even think that gender studies must be valorized and that the University could establish them as basic courses in the first year, as example of interdisciplinary theoretical and practical knowledge, as a critical vision so needed in the face of a culture that fixes gender roles, pathologizes and inferiorizes differences, imposes hetero-normativity.

Therefore, we demand the course of Gender Studies to be reintegrated, with adequate economic resources, in the curriculum offered by the University of Calabria.

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La Universidad de la Calabria (una región en el Sur de Italia) ha decidido cerrar la asignatura de Estudios de Género impartida por Laura Corradi. Ésta no es una noticia que pueda dejarnos indiferentes. Las estudiantes no lo aceptan, nosotras no lo aceptamos, nadie que entienda la importancia de una asignatura como ésta, especialmente en el Sur, puede aceptarlo.

Ésta historia tiene que ver con todas nosotras. No es una cuestión personal sino una cuestión política que indica claramente dónde están posicionadas las cuestiones de género entre las prioridades económicas y los recortes.

Nosotras invitamos a todas a imaginar miles de clases de estudios de género por la calle, en las ciudades donde esto es posible, que hablen de los temas que faltan en las universidades y de saberes que suelen estar confinados en los márgenes.

Es necesario comunicar de manera clara que esta decisión no nos gusta. Lo hacemos también con esta llamada.

Pedimos que la asignatura de Estudios de Género sea reintegrada en la oferta formativa de la universidad. Queremos asignaturas de Estudios de Género en toda universidad.

Firmáis con nosotras? Gracias!


La asignatura de Estudios de Género de la Universidad de la Calabria, impartida a Rende en el Departamento de Sociología por Laura Corradi, dejará de existir porqué has decidido cerrarla.

A pesar del suceso de los últimos diez años, atendida por cien de estudiantes, la asignatura de Estudios de Género ha sido cada vez más reducida sin darle alguna importancia a la determinación de las estudiantes a asistir a la asignatura y la determinación de la profesora a impartirla gratuitamente. Las estudiantes denuncian que pusieron la asignatura a la misma hora de otras actividades importantes y obligatorias. Tan difícil de asistir, la asignatura se redujo este año a 15 estudiantes. Así que muy fácil se ha vuelto individuar esta asignatura como superflua  a la hora de recortar.

La asignatura ha sido un importante lugar de empoderamiento para muchísimas chicas, jóvenes doctorandas feministas, investigadoras migrantes, precarias ‘amantes de la materia’, mucha gente que de hecho no aceptan pasivamente esta decisión. Además, la asignatura en el contexto de la región Calabria constituye una real oportunidad para mujeres y hombres que quieran adquirir las herramientas criticas para interpretar su propia realidad.

Esta asignatura debería seguir siendo una oportunidad para los que quieren, o mas bien pensamos que los Estudios de Género deberían ser valorizados. La Universidad podría utilizarlos como asignaturas básicas el primer año, como ejemplo de saber interdisciplinario teórico y práctico, como visión critica tan necesaria en una cultura que fija los papeles de género, patologiza e inferioriza las diferencias, impone hetero-normatividad.

Pedimos que la asignatura de Estudios de Género sea reintegrada, con recursos adecuados, en la oferta formativa de la Universidad de la Calabria.

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Posted in Fem/Activism, Iniziative, Occupiamo tutto, R-esistenze.

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17 Responses

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  1. Gayle Sulik says

    Gender studies are a vital component of a curriculum that teaches critical thinking about the one of the most fundamental ways societies organize. It sheds light on social stratification, opportunity, identity, and the many ways gender impacts society. Gender scholarship has influenced every discipline in the U.S. in profound ways. I hate to see it lost in Italy.

  2. Gattère Bénédicte says

    You may add my signature too for my support :
    Bénédicte Gattère, student in history of art and gender studies, Paris.

  3. Tara Bate says

    you may add my signature:
    Tara Bate, French, student in gender studies and political science in Paris

  4. eva pelayo sañudo says

    Count on my support!

  5. Svetlana Zakharova says

    This is absolutely unacceptable!

  6. Elisabeth Kittl says

    …for the sake of an equal the day to day linving between women and men, a broader academic thinking and a better and modern life it is no doubt very important to be trained in gender-thoughts and insights. the level of gender equality and knowledge is a measure of beeing ‘state of the art’ for an excellent university today. please add my signature

  7. kahini palit says

    this is highly wrong.the university cannot do this.please add my signature

  8. Maumita Deb says

    It is an agonizing and a phase of disappointment for all those who have been a part of the course of the gender studies taught at University of Calabria. This course is really important to battle the inequality across the board. Please add my signature in this regard.

  9. Nivedita Saha says

    This is highly unacceptable. Gender studies should be offered. please add my signature.

  10. Utsa Bagchi says

    As a student of sociology and a women i can understand the value and importance of this course.please add my signeture.

  11. Marlen Bidwell-Steiner says

    In moments of political and economic decline countries with an authoritarian past as Italy (or my own, for that matter) should be quite cautious in sending signals of backlash and decline.
    Please add my signature.

  12. Giovanni Savino says

    Aggiungete la mia firma

    Giovanni Savino – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Università Statale Russa delle Scienze Umanistiche (RGGU), Mosca

  13. Bula Bhadra says

    OCTOBER apartntu

  14. Giovanna Covi says

    Please add my signature to the comment I have just sent:
    Giovanna Covi,
    Professore di Studi di Genere, Dipartimento di Lettere e Flosofia
    Università di Trento
    Board Member of Centro Studi Interdisciplinari di Genere, Università di Trento

  15. Giovanna Covi says

    Italy so badly needs gender studies more than any other comparable country in the world: gender studies courses are still a rare item in Italian universities and more should open not close. Italian culture is overwhelmingly sexist; introducing gender studies courses in all curricula, better so making them mandatory should not be considered an option but rather a social urgent emergency!

  16. chiara martucci says

    gli studi di genere ci servono.

Continuing the Discussion

  1. Appello all’ Università della Calabria: Vogliamo il Corso di Studi di Genere! | Gender Agreement linked to this post on Aprile 20, 2013

    […] L’appello in Inglese e in Spagnolo:… […]